Memory Section, is responsible for to show all informations about your memory use, it is important to mention that she has visual and written information.
The visual information is showed together with others profiler graphics, in memory’s case, is a graphic of lines.
The writted information is showed in bottom side, and this can to be showed of two forms, detailed and simple, in this article I will talk about this.
Now let’s talk about the Memory Graphic.
In the Memory section is possible to see many lines executing together, they correspond to:
Total Allocated
Texture Memory
Mesh Memory
Material Count
Object Count
Total GC Allocated
GC Allocated
You can change the graphic’s settings. It only will show the lines correspondents to the boxes selected (colored).
The use of this resource allows you to isolate each line, and this can be very useful when you need clarity of visual information, it is noteworthy that changing the options on the chart does not influence the display of information that is written on the bottom side of window.
The graphic allows you to see it informations frame by frame.
Your informations will be showed with more details at bottom side.
Here the profiler is configured in a simple way, so we will see all in a simplified way.
In bottom side is your memory usage with more details, note that you have usage information in Bytes, KBs, MBs and GBs, also note that you have information about the number of objects in the selected frame. In other words, here you have the basics of memory information.
But this is not all, if you click at Simple and to change the form of exhibition for detailed, clicking at Take Sample, you can see infos detailed, about all use of memory.
See the images below.
Detailed View.Openning the Assets hierarchy.Open hierarchy.
With hierarchy openned, you can click in a line, and case your file is in a valid folder, Unity will find for you, and he will be showed in your project.
This is a way for to find quickly your file that needs to improvement.
See example below.
At this article you understood about the memory section in profiler, you can see the Unity’s official documentation for more details here.
Follow-me on instagram for stay knowing about new posts.
You can also leave your feedback, and your suggestion, I will read all, and I will answer for you.
Optimization is a very important process in the Programming Universe, this is responsible for reducing computational resource’s use keeping all the functionalities of a software or app.
The optimization process is composed for many phases of analysis and code improvements, your objective is unique: build the best environment possivel able to run in the maximum of devices availables.
To achieve this goal the programmer makes a series of analyses to identify the peaks use of computational resources. These peaks can be of Memory, CPU, or other resources. With these data, he goes to analysis of code with an objective that is to understand how to improve. After making these analyses, he creates a new version of code, with all performance’s improvement. Then, he tests, and sees the use of computational resources for identifying new problems.
This is an ongoing cycle that lasts until your objective of improvement is completed.
Usually this process is made in Unity for a programmer, but in some cases, he can need the help of other team members, because at some cases the files need to be optimized out of unity, in this case the programmer will need to talk with responsible person, and ask for to send for you a new file.
To create an Optimized Game you will not analyze code only, you need to see all information of your game, this information is shown at the profiler window (Shortcut CTRL + 7).
Open your profile window, and see all the graphics, don’t worry, the quantity of information is big, but all the graphics show some important information about your game.
See carefully each graphic, because all the information that you need is here.
In profiler is possible see informations about:
– CPU – Rendering – Memory – Audio – Video – Physics – Physics 2D – Network Messages – Network Operations – UI – UI Details – Global Illumination
In other words, all about your game, can to bee seen in this window, with these graphics you will see where you need to make improvements of optimization.
It’s very simple to analyze the profiler, for the nexts articles I will talk about the graphics of CPU, Memory, and also how to analyze these graphics. Follow-me on instagram for stay knowing when I create new posts @mauro_developer.
You can also leave your feedback, and your suggestion, I will read all, and I will answer for you.
Today I will talk about NPCs. What are NPCs? The acronym NPC stands for Non-Player Character, basically an NPC is a character that the Player or User don’t have control, He can have many functions as : to be your enemy, to help you with your tasks in-game, to give a new task, give a reward, talk with you, to present a problem, etc.
For the next articles, I will talk about how to create an NPC for 2D games, and for 3D games, I will also talk about how to think for to create an NPC.
So let’s go to the start.
Firstly, to start the creation We need to think, what is our NPC’s function? In this case, the NPC’s function is to talk with the user and give a task. So to start We need to create our Dialog_Controller, this class is very important because She will control all dialogs, in between user and NPC. For this case, I will make this class for having a dialog with user and NPC, but in the next article, I will talk about as to expand this class, for to be used with many NPCs.
Very well, for this class We need these variables:
public Text _Dialog_Text;
public Text _Dialog_Name;
public Dialog_Box _Dialog_Box_Script;
public NPC_Task _NPC_Task_Script;
public int _User_Speech_Counter;
public int _NPC_Speech_Counter;
private int _User_ID;
private int _NPC_ID;
private int _Speeching_ID;
private float _Time_For_Close_Box;
private string _Name;
private string _User_Name;
private string _NPC_Name;
private string[] _User_Speechs = new string[5];
private string[] _NPC_Speechs = new string[4];
As mentioned, all our dialog will be controlled by this class. Now We need to set some variables in our Start method so, here is our start method:
private void Start()
_User_ID = 1;
_NPC_ID = 2;
_Speeching_ID = _User_ID;
_Time_For_Close_Box = 5;
_NPC_Name = "NPC:";
_User_Name = "User:";
_User_Speechs[0] = "Hello !!!";
_User_Speechs[1] = "How are you?";
_User_Speechs[2] = "I am fine, thanks for to ask.";
_User_Speechs[3] = "What do I do?";
_User_Speechs[4] = "Okay.";
_NPC_Speechs[0] = "Hello Friend !!!";
_NPC_Speechs[1] = "I am fine, and you?";
_NPC_Speechs[2] = "Can you help-me?";
_NPC_Speechs[3] = "Please press the key F.";
Now We will make our code’s functions. Starting with Start_Dialog method, this method is public because He will be called in class User_Interaction, is with him that our dialog will start. For this We will set our variable _Name with the value contained in variable _User_Name because the first speech belongs to the user, after this We will call the Dialog method, that needs 2 parameters, an array, and an integer, in this case, I will provide as parameters our array _User_Speechs and our integer _User_Speech_Counter.
So here is our method:
public void Start_Dialog()
_Name = _User_Name;
Dialog(_User_Speechs, _User_Speech_Counter);
Now We will create the method that will open the dialog box, show speeches, who is speaking, increase in the variable _Speech_Counter, that is our parameter, call the function that will to give back the value for the variable that control who is speaking using our parameter _Speech_Counter, and for last, He will close the dialog box after a time with method Invoke, which receives the name of a method, and a time, after this time, the method between ” ” is called, in this case, our method is Close_Dialog_Box and our time is associated in the variable _Time_For_Close_Box.
Now We will talk about our method Set_Speech_Value, this is a very simple method, He receives a parameter sent for our Dialog method, and He sets the value in a variable corresponding to the accountant of who is talking, this is verified for _Speeching_ID.
Now We will talk about our Close_Dialog_Box method, this method also is very simple, because He only closes the dialog box using a method that belongs to our class _Dialog_Box and calls the next method.
Now We will talk about our method Prepare_Next_Dialog_Or_Finish_Interaction, this method is important because He will check if our interaction will continue, or will to finish. We have an IF conditional verifying if our NPC still can to speak, if this condition is true, our method Change_Infos_And_Start_New_Dialog, is called with an Invoke method, after the time of 2 seconds, otherwise our conditional IF will to call the function that will give the task for the user, present in our class _NPC_Task_Script, don’t worry, I will talk about this class in this article.
Now We will talk about our last method of this class, the Change_Infos_And_Start_New_Dialog method is responsible for change our dialog, and restart the cycle, this method has two local variables, and a conditional for to change who will speak, this conditional's structure permit change our variables: _Speeching_ID, _Name, _Speechs, _Speech_Counter (these two, are local variables). And for last He calls our method Dialog using as parameter our two local variables, _Speechs, and _Speech_Counter, after this, the cycle restart.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Dialog_Controller : MonoBehaviour
public Text _Dialog_Text;
public Text _Dialog_Name;
public Dialog_Box _Dialog_Box_Script;
public NPC_Task _NPC_Task_Script;
public int _User_Speech_Counter;
public int _NPC_Speech_Counter;
private int _User_ID;
private int _NPC_ID;
private int _Speeching_ID;
private float _Time_For_Close_Box;
private string _Name;
private string _User_Name;
private string _NPC_Name;
private string[] _User_Speechs = new string[5];
private string[] _NPC_Speechs = new string[4];
private void Start()
_User_ID = 1;
_NPC_ID = 2;
_Speeching_ID = _User_ID;
_Time_For_Close_Box = 5;
_NPC_Name = "NPC:";
_User_Name = "User:";
_User_Speechs[0] = "Hello !!!";
_User_Speechs[1] = "How are you?";
_User_Speechs[2] = "I am fine, thanks for to ask.";
_User_Speechs[3] = "What do I do?";
_User_Speechs[4] = "Okay.";
_NPC_Speechs[0] = "Hello Friend !!!";
_NPC_Speechs[1] = "I am fine, and you?";
_NPC_Speechs[2] = "Can you help-me?";
_NPC_Speechs[3] = "Please press the key F.";
// Called in User_Interaction class for start dialog.
public void Start_Dialog()
_Name = _User_Name;
Dialog(_User_Speechs, _User_Speech_Counter);
void Dialog(string[] _Speechs, int _Speech_Counter)
if (_Speech_Counter < _Speechs.Length)
_Dialog_Name.text = _Name;
_Dialog_Text.text = _Speechs[_Speech_Counter];
Invoke("Close_Dialog_Box", _Time_For_Close_Box);
void Set_Speech_Value(int _Speechs)
if (_Speeching_ID == _User_ID)
_User_Speech_Counter = _Speechs;
_NPC_Speech_Counter = _Speechs;
void Close_Dialog_Box()
void Prepare_Next_Dialog_Or_Finish_Interaction()
if (_NPC_Speech_Counter < _NPC_Speechs.Length)
Invoke("Change_Infos_And_Start_New_Dialog", 2);
void Change_Infos_And_Start_New_Dialog()
string[] _Speechs;
int _Speech_Counter;
if (_Speeching_ID == _User_ID) {
_Speeching_ID = _NPC_ID;
_Name = _NPC_Name;
_Speechs = _NPC_Speechs;
_Speech_Counter = _NPC_Speech_Counter;
_Speeching_ID = _User_ID;
_Name = _User_Name;
_Speechs = _User_Speechs;
_Speech_Counter = _User_Speech_Counter;
Dialog(_Speechs, _Speech_Counter);
Now We will show the class Dialog_Box, this class is used for Open and Close the Dialog Box with methods, Open_Dialog_Box and Close_Dialog_Box.
Here is our class:
using UnityEngine;
public class Dialog_Box : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject _Dialog_Box;
public void Open_Dialog_Box()
public void Close_Dialog_Box()
Now I will talk about the class NPC_Task, this class is responsible for giving the task to the User.
To create this We will need these variables:
public bool _Task_Has_Been_Enabled;
public Text _Task_Text;
public GameObject _Task_Box;
public User_Movement _User_Movement_Script;
public User_Interaction _User_Interaction_Script;
private string _Task;
After this We will set some values in our variables in our start method:
void Start()
_Task = "Press F for finish the task.";
Now We will make our method Give_The_Task_And_Enable_Scripts, He is responsible for to give a task to the User, and also for enabling the User's scripts, responsible for movement action and interaction, the Boolean _Task_Has_Been_Enabled, gives the authorization for the user to finish the task pressing F, the text _Task_Text, will to receive the content of variable _Task, the Task_Box is showed, and for last the User's scripts are enabled.
And for the last, We will create the method named Reset_Task, this method will restart the task status, and close the task box, for that be possible to execute the task when the user starts the dialog other times.
So here is our method Reset_Task:
public void Reset_Task()
_Task_Has_Been_Enabled = false;
Here is our finished class:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class NPC_Task : MonoBehaviour
public bool _Task_Has_Been_Enabled;
public Text _Task_Text;
public GameObject _Task_Box;
public User_Movement _User_Movement_Script;
public User_Interaction _User_Interaction_Script;
private string _Task;
void Start()
_Task = "Press F for finish the task.";
// This method is called in class Dialog_Controller
public void Give_The_Task_And_Enable_Scripts()
_Task_Has_Been_Enabled = true;
_Task_Text.text = _Task;
void Enable_Scripts()
_User_Movement_Script.enabled = true;
_User_Interaction_Script.enabled = true;
// This method is called in class User_Interaction
public void Reset_Task()
_Task_Has_Been_Enabled = false;
Now We need to develop the systems that will complement this, User Interaction's System responsible for to call the dialog and for to make the task, Task system for the NPC responsible for to give a task for our user, movementation system for that We can move the user in the environment, Reset_Dialog System, for to reset the Dialog System, and for last the Trigger System that will give the authorization for that We can to make an interaction with our NPC.
Now I will talk about Interaction_Class.
For this, We need of these variables:
public bool _Is_In_Interaction_Area;
public NPC_Task _NPC_Task_Script;
public Dialog_Controller _Dialog_Controller_Script;
public Reset_Dialogs _Reset_Dialogs_Script;
private User_Movement _User_Movement_Script;
Now We will set a value in our _User_Movement_Script, with our Start method:
So We need to make the interaction, for this let's go for our update method, that will call, our Interaction_Input method, so here is our Update:
void Update()
Now We will talk about our Interaction_Input method, this method will to be responsible for start dialog with NPC and finish the task, for this, We will use some conditionals, firstly for to make the interaction with NPC, We need to check if our user is in the interaction area, and also We need check if the task still not is enabled, after this, We check, if the Key E, has been pressed, if all the conditions are true, We start the dialog, and We stopped the movement, case our User is movementing, disabled our Movement_Class for that don’t to be possible to movement, and for Last, We disabled this class.
Now We will talk about our next interaction, that is responsible, for to accomplish the NPC's task, so We will an conditional IF for to check, if the Key F has been pressed, case this is true, the task is completed, and We will to go reset the task with the method Reset_Task present in class NPC_Task, after this with our method Reset_Dialog that is present in class Reset_Dialogs, We will to reset dialog system.
So here is our next interaction:
if (_NPC_Task_Script._Task_Has_Been_Enabled == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
For last here is our finished class:
using UnityEngine;
public class User_Interaction : MonoBehaviour
public bool _Is_In_Interaction_Area;
public NPC_Task _NPC_Task_Script;
public Dialog_Controller _Dialog_Controller_Script;
public Reset_Dialogs _Reset_Dialogs_Script;
private User_Movement _User_Movement_Script;
private void Start()
_User_Movement_Script = GetComponent<User_Movement>();
void Update()
void Interaction_Input()
if (_Is_In_Interaction_Area == true && _NPC_Task_Script._Task_Has_Been_Enabled == false)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
_User_Movement_Script.enabled = false;
this.enabled = false;
if (_NPC_Task_Script._Task_Has_Been_Enabled == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
Now let's go talk about Reset_Dialogs class, this is a very simple class, that will reset all values in our class Dialog_Controller, and for last, to close the Dialog Box, She has a method.
using UnityEngine;
public class Reset_Dialogs : MonoBehaviour
public Dialog_Controller _Dialog_Controller_Script;
public Dialog_Box _Dialog_Box_Script;
// Called in User_Interaction class, after the Key F to be pressed.
public void Reset_Dialog()
_Dialog_Controller_Script._User_Speech_Counter = 0;
_Dialog_Controller_Script._NPC_Speech_Counter = 0;
_Dialog_Controller_Script._Dialog_Text.text = "";
_Dialog_Controller_Script._Dialog_Name.text = "";
Now We will talk about the class User_Trigger_System, this class is very simple, and she doesn't have anything complex, It is only verification for knowing the user is in the interaction area.
And in our trigger methods, We will change the status of variable, _Is_In_Interaction_Area by class User_Interaction. OnTriggerEnter tells us if our user entered in the area of our NPC, He does this according to the defined Tag, case our user be in NPC area, the variable Is_In_Interaction_Area, receive true.
Now We will talk about method OnTriggerExit, this method informs us if our user, has left the area of our NPC, He does this according to the defined Tag, if our user is outside the area of the NPC, the variable _Is_In_Interaction_Area, to receive false.
using UnityEngine;
public class User_Trigger_System : MonoBehaviour
private User_Interaction _User_Interaction_Script;
private void Start()
_User_Interaction_Script = GetComponent<User_Interaction>();
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("NPC"))
_User_Interaction_Script._Is_In_Interaction_Area = true;
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("NPC"))
_User_Interaction_Script._Is_In_Interaction_Area = false;
So to finish the code creation We will talk about our last class, that is, User_Movement, our User_Movement class is responsible for making the Movement’s Input.
In the update method, We will call the Movement_Input, which will be responsible for detecting user input on the keyboard.
So here is our update method:
void Update()
Now We will talk about our Movement_Input, this method is used for to create User Movementation. We will need two conditionals if for check if the keys are being pressed, and two conditions for check if the keys are were loose.
So here is our method:
void Movement_Input()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
_Rdb.velocity = -transform.right * _Speed;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
_Rdb.velocity = transform.right * _Speed;
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A))
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.D))
-transform.right is the equivalent of the left side (I used –transform.right because Unity don’t have transform.left) For last in our Stop_Movementation, We will stop the user character.
Here is our method:
public void Stop_Movementation()
_Rdb.velocity =;
Now, Let’s go to implement this.
This is all our objects in the hierarchy:
So with this overview, is possible to see, where will the objects come from that will fill some of our variables.
Firstly, We will to start with User.
In our user, We need of these components:
Rigidbody2D (I recommend that you enable freeze rotation in Z Axis).
Box Collider 2D.
User_Movement (Script).
User_Interaction (Script).
Use_Trigger_System (Script).
Now We only need set the variables : NPC_Task_Script, Dialog_Controller_Script, Dialog_Box.
NPC_Task_Script - Receive the class NPC_Task that is seted in a GameObject named NPC.
Dialog_Controller_Script - Receive the class Dialog_Controller, that is seted in a GameObject named Dialog_System_Controller.
Dialog_Box - Receive the object named Dialog_Box.
Now We will to implement our NPC.
For our NPC, We need of these components:
Rigidbody2D (I recommend that you enable freeze rotation in Z Axis, and also enable Freeze Position X, and Y in this case).
Box Collider 2D (With Is Trigger Enabled).
NPC_Task (Script).
After this We only need to set the variables:
Task_Text - Receive a Text object named Task_Text.
Task_Box - Receive a GameObject named Task_Box.
User_Movement_Script - Receive the class User_Movement, that is seted in a GameObject named User.
User_Interaction_Script - Receive the class User_Interaction, that is seted in a GameObject named User.
Here We have a important task for to make, that is add a tag in our NPC, for ensure that our code will work, for this We need to click in Dropdown next to the TAG text, after this, Add tag, so this screen will be appears.
In my case I already defined the tag, but you need to click in Plus Icon, and after, write your tag, equal is in code, after this you need to click save.
Now We will to insert the last system, that is the Dyalog System, for this, We will to create a new GameObject, clicking in GameObject in top menu, after We will click on Create Empty, So We will to click in GameObject for to define a new name that is Dialog_System_Controller, after this, We only need to add our scripts:
After this We only need to set the variables:
In Dialog_Box:
Dialog_Box - Receive a GameObject object named Dialog_Box.
In Dialog_Controller:
Dialog_Text - Receive a Text object named Dialog_Text.
Dialog_Name - Receive a Text object named Dialog_Name.
Dialog_Box - Receive the class Dialog_Box, that is seted in a GameObject named Dialog_System_Controller.
NPC_Task_Script - Receive the class NPC_Task, that is seated in a GameObject named NPC.
In Reset Dialogs:
Dialog_Controller_Script - Receive the class _Dialog_Controller, that is seted in a GameObject named Dialog_System_Controller.
Dialog_Box_Script - Receive the class Dialog_Box, that is seted in a GameObject named Dialog_System_Controller.
So for this article is this.
I talked about NPCs, and I made a simple example of NPC.
Here is my temporary portfolio, I am migrating my projects from google drive for my website. but before their come for here, I will to better the projects. I have other projects too, which will soon come here.
What are Cameras? Cameras are the player’s eyes, it’s for them, that the player can has the experience, but this concept is very short, for a thing that is present in all games, so it’s not enough.
I cannot talk with this mode, so I will talk using a detailed mode, explaining uses, what is possible to do, how to work, etc.
Some camera uses in games:
– Create cutscenes.
– Create short presentations (for to present an environment or an enemy).
– Character’s Eyes.
– Camera’s Effects.
– Emphasize something (usually an item or goal).
So, now that I said a little about theory, let’s go to talk about the practice.
Unity gives us some options on camera components to configure some things, as you can see in the photo:
As you can see, We have many options to configure, I won’t talk about all, because otherwise the article will be too long, but I will talk about some properties such as: Field Of View (used in our practice example), Projection and Target Texture, so Let’s go.
Field Of View – Change the Camera zoom, the higher the value the smaller the zoom, and the lower the value the greater the zoom.
Projection – Change the visibility between 2D and 3D.
Target Texture – Used with a render texture. A example of this use, is for to insert camera view in UI
But this is not all, it is possible to make more things, for example: it is possible to animate in camera GameObject, camera’s position, rotation, and scale (but scale doesn’t change anything in visibility).
Here is a photo:
Also is possible to animate properties on Camera Component, we can to animate, for example: Allow MSAA, Depth, Enabled, Far clip plane, and others. I will insert photos of this window below.
Here is our first photo:
And here is our second Photo:
But this is not all, We can also create codes for work with our camera, and in this case, the limit is your knowledge.
For this article I will to make a Camera’s zoom (typically used in FPS Games) using Mouse’s right button, my camera zoom script will to have 3 Zoom options, that are:
– Default Zoom
– Medium Zoom
– Close Zoom
So let’s go to create our code.
Firstly, We need some variables, that are: an integer named _Zoom_Counter (for to count our mouse clicks), an integer named _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View, an integer named _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View, an integer named _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View, and for last, a Camera named _This_Cam, so this is our class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
Now I will to define values for our variables in Start method, so here is our class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
Very well, now with our variables ready, I will to make in Update method a system input for to execute our zoom, when Right Mouse’s has been pressed, so here is our class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
What is KeyCode.Mouse1? KeyCode.Mouse1 is responsible for to capture interaction with Right Mouse’s button.
So now We have, our input, but We don’t have our Check_Zoom method, for this method, I will firstly increase 1 in our variable named _Zoom_Counter that has value 0 currently, and so I will check _Zoom_Counter’s value with a switch, so here is our class with Check_Zoom method:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
void Check_Zoom()
switch (_Zoom_Counter)
case 1:
case 2:
Now our script is taking shape, our method Check_Zoom has been created, but, We need to change value on our Camera’s field of view, so for a best practice I will make a method for each zoom, and after this, I will to call each method in your respective case, in switch instruction, so for to start, I will create Set_Default_Zoom_method, so here is our class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
void Check_Zoom()
switch (_Zoom_Counter)
case 1:
case 2:
void Set_Default_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
Now We can have idea that as our class will to be, now I will to create next methods, for Medium Zoom and Close_Zoom, here is our class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
void Check_Zoom()
switch (_Zoom_Counter)
case 1:
case 2:
void Set_Default_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Set_Medium_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Set_Close_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
So with our methods created, We only need to call in our Check_Zoom_Method, but We also need to finish configuring our method, now I will make this.
In case 1, We will to use Set_Medium_Zoom
In case 2, We will to use Close_Zoom
In Default, we will set _Zoom_Counter as 0, and We will call, Set_Default_Zoom.
Lastly, We will call Set_Default_Zoom in Start method, for the case, the camera’s settings are different from our code.
So here is our finished class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Camera_Zoom : MonoBehaviour
Camera _This_Cam;
private int _Zoom_Counter;
private float _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
private float _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Start()
_This_Cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
_Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 60;
_Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 20;
_Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View = 3.3f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
void Check_Zoom()
switch (_Zoom_Counter)
case 1:
case 2:
_Zoom_Counter = 0;
void Set_Default_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Default_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Set_Medium_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Medium_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
void Set_Close_Zoom()
_This_Cam.fieldOfView = _Close_Zoom_Field_Of_View;
So for this article is this.
I talked about cameras, and I made a simple example of something using Camera.